
Newborn Brands
Contrary to childbirth with all its genetic and social variability, new brands should be the outcome of reason and planning, not of chance. The less ill-considered, mimicking or untimely, the better their life prospects will be. In our long years of working with companies and entrepreneurs, we have seen thousands of brands in various life stages. For a good number of them Colibri was there from their conception...more
Brands Grow
Civilisation mostly comprises of instruments (tools, clothing, words and logotypes among them) humans initially devise to serve a purpose which then becomes secondary, irrelevant even, to the value of the instrument itself: architecture, for one, started out to protect us from the elements and from, perish the thought, our neighbors, to gradually become an ubiquitous sign of power, a temple for our myths, a feast for our eyes...more
Brands Change
Brands resemble organisms fighting first to survive, then to prevail in their “ecosystems”: to succeed, they must adapt and evolve. Staying true to type and unvarying is good advice when they climb up the market ladder or have attained some measure of success. Down the road, though, change is unavoidable. How could brands possibly know when, how and to what extent they should rebrand themselves?...more